June 2023 Market Report
We report on the slowing demand which is leading to price drops across many products. Citrus remains challenging with lime supplies becoming even more short.

November 2022 Market Report
We focus on some of the key products causing challenges in our industry currently. With demand weak, Chinese essential oil prices have eased, despite poor output in many cases. The Orange and Lime markets have deteriorated further with prices reaching levels never seen before.

July 2022 Market Report
Shanghai’s extended lockdown led to a shortage of many products, particularly dangerous goods as it is one of the few ports offering LCL services for these products. Restrictions were lifted in early June and supply is slowly starting to resume, however, it will take a while to clear the backlog of freight, so some products will remain tight while stocks are afloat.

April 2022 Market Report
The past few months have brought new challenges; with China re-imposing Covid restrictions and EU producers forced to raise their prices due to sky-high energy costs, global supply for many products is more unpredictable than ever.

January 2022 Market Report
Energy shortages, global logistics delays and labour shortfalls are contributing to a very difficult supply situation. Keeping up to date with the latest news has never been more important.