JAKIM (Malaysia) recognises HFA
We are pleased to advise, following an update from the Halal Food Authority, that the HFA has been confirmed as a recognised Foreign Halal Certification Body by the Halal Hub Division of JAKIM. To this end, all HFA halal certificates shall be recognised and accepted in Malaysia and certified products can now be exported to Malaysia without any hindrance.

June 2014 Market Report
Our latest market report covers some of the countermeasures several key production regions are taking against the effects of an El Nino year, as well as a number of essential oils and the results of the Indian election on the Rupee.

April 2014 Market Report
Our latest market report offers a commentary on several of the currencies in key production regions, as well as covering a number of essential oils and aroma chemicals.

March 2014 Market Report
Our latest market report covers a wide range of essential oils, with a particular focus this time on citrus and the factors affecting these products. In addition, we introduce an aroma chemicals section for the first time.

January Market Report
Our first market report of 2014, with an in depth review of several key citrus oils as well as many other herb and spice oils.