UK research provides taste of future foods
Nootkatone, used in citrus soft drinks, confectionary and perfumes, is one of the most challenging ingredients to access, but now, years of research by University of Oxford spin-out company Oxford Biotrans working in conjunction with De Monchy Aromatics are about to bear fruit with a new and natural way to produce it.

Christmas Closing 2014
We would like to wish our customers a very merry Christmas and happy New Year. Over the holidays our offices will be closed at different times. Please find full details here.

November 2014 Market Report
This will be our last market report for 2014 and as such it seems appropriate to reflect back on what this year has brought; in our first report of 2014 we forecasted a difficult year ahead for most citrus products and this has certainly been borne out. Little did we know that our reports would soon feature Mexican drug cartel activity however!

August 2014 Market Report
With so much turmoil in the markets currently, particularly for crops such as lemon, lime, patchouli and coriander to name but a few, it's now more important than ever to stay in touch with your De Monchy contact to remain up to date on any changes.

Working with De Monchy - a perfumer's experience
We recently supplied a number of samples to Fernanda Walker, a UK based perfumer and author of 'The Scentury' blog, which she describes as a backstage pass to the flavour and fragrance industry. She what she had to say about her experience of working with De Monchy Aromatics.