January 2025 Market Report
In our January 2025 Market Report we take a look at industry factors that are informing price points, supply chain disruptors, regulatory updates and more.

September 2024 Market Report
The citrus market continues to be turbulent and challenging, with further reductions in the orange crop forecast and signs of the lime market finally turning. Demand for Chinese essential oils continues to be sluggish with poor crops not leading to the dramatic price changes seen in previous years.

June 2024 Market Report
Our key focus in this quarter's report is Citrus, with the orange market particuarly turbulent following a dramatically low forecast for the 2024/5 crop. Regulatory changes also spell trouble for the vanillin and tea tree oil markets.

February 2024 Market Report
Global supply chains remain hugely disrupted due to the Red Sea crisis. Supplies of goods imported from Asia have quickly run short with buyers scrambling to find stock within Europe. The lime and orange markets are more challenging than ever, with the long-term stability of d-limonene pricing coming to an end.

November 2023 Market Report
We suspect this year will be one that many will be glad to see the back of. Persistent inflation and a tightening of interest rates across many major economies have severely dampened consumer activity.

June 2023 Market Report
We report on the slowing demand which is leading to price drops across many products. Citrus remains challenging with lime supplies becoming even more short.

November 2022 Market Report
We focus on some of the key products causing challenges in our industry currently. With demand weak, Chinese essential oil prices have eased, despite poor output in many cases. The Orange and Lime markets have deteriorated further with prices reaching levels never seen before.

July 2022 Market Report
Shanghai’s extended lockdown led to a shortage of many products, particularly dangerous goods as it is one of the few ports offering LCL services for these products. Restrictions were lifted in early June and supply is slowly starting to resume, however, it will take a while to clear the backlog of freight, so some products will remain tight while stocks are afloat.

April 2022 Market Report
The past few months have brought new challenges; with China re-imposing Covid restrictions and EU producers forced to raise their prices due to sky-high energy costs, global supply for many products is more unpredictable than ever.

January 2022 Market Report
Energy shortages, global logistics delays and labour shortfalls are contributing to a very difficult supply situation. Keeping up to date with the latest news has never been more important.

November 2021 Market Report
We focus this month on the energy controls recently imposed in China that has led to many products growing short in a matter of days. Our industry, like many others, is still facing major challenges in terms of global logistics with high demand in the lead up to Christmas exhausting supply chains.

September 2021 Market Report
Many raw materials are proving challenging currently, with supply of cis-3-hexenol shorter than ever. Freight rates from China are also sky-high any many shipments are facing delays due to ongoing container shortages.

July 2021 Market Report
Prices for many essential oils have firmed over the last few months, with citrus proving particularly challenging.

May 2021 Market Report
Please download our latest market report for updates on key raw materials, several of which are in short supply. We hope you find this report useful and as always welcome your feedback with any comments or suggestions.

March 2021 Market Report
In this month's report we focus on Chinese essential oils and aroma chemicals following the reopening of factories after the Chinese New Year festival.

January 2021 Market Report
Our first market report of 2021 with updates on key essential oils and aroma chemicals.

November 2020 Market Report
2020 continues to be an extremely challenging year with many countries under new lockdown restrictions to battle the second wave of COVID-19. We hope that all of our readers around the world are staying safe and healthy.

September 2020 Market Report
This month we focus on the challenging citrus market, with the Coronavirus pandemic continuing to throw significant uncertainty into the mix. We hope you find this report useful and as always welcome your feedback with any comments or suggestions.

July 2020 Market Report
The lockdown in China in February/March created challenges for the supply of many aroma chemicals. Production has largely recovered since lockdown has been eased with volumes produced back to the usual levels. Air freight rates have come back down as there is less pressure on the airlines to prioritise PPE shipments. Please download out latest report for further news and updates.

May 2020 Market Report
With the spread of COVID-19 life has changed drastically in only a few months. With so much of the world under some level of lockdown, each week brings new challenges and businesses have needed to adjust their operations to comply with social distancing requirements. We hope that all of our readers around the world are staying safe and healthy.

March 2020 Market Report
We focus this month on the recent unforeseen challenges brought on by the Coronavirus pandemic, in particular the impact on Chinese materials following the extended Lunar Festival.

January 2020 Market Report
Our first market report of 2020 with updates on key essential oils and aroma chemicals.

November 2019 Market Report
Citrus remains challenging with the orange market showing signs of turning and lemon continuing to fall. Eucalyptus prices have dropped further and appear to be stable to the time being. More in-depth updates are available in our market report.

September 2019 Market Report
Markets remain as dynamic as ever - orange prices have tumbled and are now back at levels that were once considered normal. Aroma chemical supply out of China continues to be problematic although the culprits have changed. More in-depth information can be found in our report.

July 2019 Market Report
The buchu crop appears to be extremely short; eucalyptus globulus prices are easing and the rose harvest in Bulgaria has just finished. More in-depth updates are available in our market report.

May 2019 Market Report
Registration for IFEAT opened last month and places are filling up fast. Two members of the De Monchy team will be in Bali this year, we look forward to seeing you there.

March 2019 Market Report
Many products are in short supply keeping both buyers and sellers on their toes. The Chinese new year holiday has also had an impact both on prices and availability of material as work forces are slow to return to full capacity even once factories have reopened.

October 2018 Market Report
We are fast approaching the end of an extremely challenging year for our industry and many products remain in shortage. However, with the final deadline for REACH registration now passed, demand for some material has dropped and prices have eased slightly as a result. We hope you find this report useful and as always welcome your feedback with any comments or suggestions.

Brexit - steps to mitigate the effects
Whilst the talks are ongoing between the British government and the European Commission, we are taking steps ahead of any final decision to ensure that our ability to supply to you is unaffected.

July 2018 Market Report
In our recent reports we have focused a great deal on the impact of the Chinese environmental restrictions and on the availability of ingredients for our industry.

April 2018 Market Report
The industry is facing difficult times with many aroma chemicals and essential oils still in shortage. The extreme cold during the winter months has meant that several of the Chinese crops have suffered and many of the factories are facing further restrictions on their production.

January 2018 Market Report
The new year has not brought any relief to the market; the Force Majure declared by BASF in October 2017 on all citral and isoprenol based ingredients has lead to global shortage of many products. In this report we also discuss the on-going issues caused by the restrictions imposed on the production of aroma chemicals and essential oils in China.

October 2017 Market Report
In this report we cover the ongoing supply issues of many essential oils and aroma chemicals. We focus in particular on materials produced in China that are facing more and more restrictions on production, causing major price increases and shortage of available material. We have also included a macro-economic overview of the currencies and markets impacting most on the supply of raw materials.

July 2017 Market Report
In this report we cover the ongoing issues with several citrus products along with problems with supplies of a number of aroma chemicals from China. With many factories under Government inspection and required to upgrade their production facilities there have been substantial price increases and increasingly limited availability.

May 2017 Market Report
In this report we cover the continuing issues with the supply of citrus products with the situation with grapefruit being particularly bleak. We also outline the rising costs of other essential oils along with the tightened supply of some aroma chemicals from China.

Market Report - January 2017
A new year and with it a radically altered political landscape on both sides of the Atlantic. If 2016 was a year of surprises, 2017 may very well 'trump' it!

June 2016 Market Report
In the recent few weeks we have seen the prices of several essential oils getting firmer; bay, eucalyptus, grapefruit, litsea cubeba and rose amongst others.

Biobased platform chemicals in flavour and fragrance
Featuring in March's edition of Speciality Chemicals, Henry Gill and Marcel van Berkel of GFBiochemicals explore bio-based routes to F&F chemicals, in particular GFBiochemicals' levulinic acid and De Monchy's nootkatone.

March 2016 Market Report
Citrus forms a key part of our report this time and the picture for orange and grapefruit is not a pretty one; lemon presents some uncertainty with lime and tangerine currently more stable. We have also included a macro-economic overview of the currencies and markets impacting most on the supply of raw materials.

Clarification over our position on E-Cigarettes
Article outlining the group policy of De Monchy Aromatics (including all subsidiaries) towards the use of materials supplied by the same in flavours for E-Cigarettes.

November 2015 Market Report
We are about to enter the holiday season however we see no sign of a slowdown, with some products particularly active including but not limited to bay, chamomile, grapefruit and orange oils. Download our market report for a full update.

August 2015 Market Report
In spite of August traditionally being a holiday month, the market remains very active. Download our report for all the latest news and information.

De Monchy Invests in Oxford Biotrans

MUI recognition of HFA
We are pleased to annouce that the Halal Food Authority (HFA), the body we use to certify our products as being suitable for consumption by Muslims is now recognised by Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI).

May 2015 Market Report
The supply situation for several key materials continues to be difficult and this looks likely to continue. The problems are further compounded by exchange rate volatility. Download our report for more information.

UK research provides taste of future foods
Nootkatone, used in citrus soft drinks, confectionary and perfumes, is one of the most challenging ingredients to access, but now, years of research by University of Oxford spin-out company Oxford Biotrans working in conjunction with De Monchy Aromatics are about to bear fruit with a new and natural way to produce it.

Christmas Closing 2014
We would like to wish our customers a very merry Christmas and happy New Year. Over the holidays our offices will be closed at different times. Please find full details here.

November 2014 Market Report
This will be our last market report for 2014 and as such it seems appropriate to reflect back on what this year has brought; in our first report of 2014 we forecasted a difficult year ahead for most citrus products and this has certainly been borne out. Little did we know that our reports would soon feature Mexican drug cartel activity however!

August 2014 Market Report
With so much turmoil in the markets currently, particularly for crops such as lemon, lime, patchouli and coriander to name but a few, it's now more important than ever to stay in touch with your De Monchy contact to remain up to date on any changes.

Working with De Monchy - a perfumer's experience
We recently supplied a number of samples to Fernanda Walker, a UK based perfumer and author of 'The Scentury' blog, which she describes as a backstage pass to the flavour and fragrance industry. She what she had to say about her experience of working with De Monchy Aromatics.

JAKIM (Malaysia) recognises HFA
We are pleased to advise, following an update from the Halal Food Authority, that the HFA has been confirmed as a recognised Foreign Halal Certification Body by the Halal Hub Division of JAKIM. To this end, all HFA halal certificates shall be recognised and accepted in Malaysia and certified products can now be exported to Malaysia without any hindrance.

June 2014 Market Report
Our latest market report covers some of the countermeasures several key production regions are taking against the effects of an El Nino year, as well as a number of essential oils and the results of the Indian election on the Rupee.

April 2014 Market Report
Our latest market report offers a commentary on several of the currencies in key production regions, as well as covering a number of essential oils and aroma chemicals.

March 2014 Market Report
Our latest market report covers a wide range of essential oils, with a particular focus this time on citrus and the factors affecting these products. In addition, we introduce an aroma chemicals section for the first time.

January Market Report
Our first market report of 2014, with an in depth review of several key citrus oils as well as many other herb and spice oils.

Shanghai office closed over Spring Festival
Our Shanghai office will be closed for Spring Festival between 31st January - 7th February 2014.

November-December Market Report
Like last year, this is our final report for 2013 combining both November and December. We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our readers and friends in the industry a very enjoyable holiday during the festive period. We thank you for your support in 2013 and look forward to working more closely with you in the New Year.

Christmas Greetings
We would like to wish our customers a very merry Christmas and happy New Year. Over the holidays our offices will be closed at different times. Please find full details here.

De Monchy donates to the Philippines
De Monchy Aromatics has pledged to donate 1% of all sales made in December to support the relief effort in the Philippines. So at a time of the year when many of us are thinking about enjoying the company of friends and family over the festive period, every purchase you, our customers, make from us will directly benefit those in one of the world's poorest countries struggling to return to some semblance of normality.

October Market Report
As ever the availability of materials, trends influencing demand and prices remain in constant flux and maintaining close contact with your supplier is vital. De Monchy Aromatics has people on the ground across the major producing regions of the Americas, Asia and Europe to ensure we have access to the latest news affecting our industry.

IFEAT San Francisco 2013 Market Report
The IFEAT conference is about to commence in San Francisco where a number of us from De Monchy will be present. In India, there is some relief for the rupee as a new governor is appointed to the Bank of India. With prices for the large volume items currently accepted by the market, it is a number of the smaller items for which we see considerable activity currently.

Mint update
Interim update on the Indian mint market prior to our IFEAT edition market report.

August Market Report
In this report we provide an update on how the political situation in Egypt is affecting commodity prices. Additionally we look at the effects of the Indian Rupee's tumble against the US dollar and continued heavy rain in Indonesia.

July Market Report
A major factor affecting the markets this month is the rate of exchange, with the US dollar reaching a high of US$1 to 62 rupees .Earlier in the month this resulted in low export prices but in the later part of the month the national bank of India has taken measures to redress the trend. If these measures are effectual, commodity prices will be supported by the currency. At the time of writing the rupee /dollar exchange is back down between 59 and 60.